Casino gambling as an economic development strategy

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However, they fail to distinguish casino gaming as a form of community versus economic development in terms of general American Indian tribal community well-being. Legal tension certainly exists between the states (mandated by federal legislation to develop gambling compacts with the...

Casino Gambling As An Economic Development Strategy Casino gaming is a popular strategy for local economic development in the United States, and it continues to grow in popularity as states further loosen their restrictions on gaming activities Casino gambling as an economic development strategy Casino gambling as an economic development strategy 16') industry has few backward linkages, and instead 'cannibalizes'local enterprises, it may create additional problems that require redress." This paper uses quasi-experimental control group methods to measure the effects ofcasinos on economic growth and development. It is divided into Casino Gambling as an Economic Development Strategy

Utilizing legalized gambling activities as a strategy for economic development was thoroughly discredited during the hearing. Florida is the only state which has  ...

Casino Gambling as an Economic Development Strategy - Terance ... Casino gambling has experienced dramatic growth in the USA during the past seven years. Because this growth has occurred recently, there have been few ...

Gambling Tourism and Economic Development: Some lessons from Macao.3. The gaming (or gambling) tourism as an alternative form of strategies, without changing its unique Chinese gaming playground identity.

This article aims to explore and document the relationship between forms of alternative tourism and economic development. More specifically, the subject of our investigation will be whether a small national economy is able to rely wholly or largely on tourist flows as a source of income and even to invest in a single type of tourism. Atlantic County Economic Development Strategy and … address issues identified in the Atlantic County Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan. Appointed committees will also leverage talent within the county to review existing federal and state incentives to determine additional avenues of funding and support and to recommend state The State Gambling Addiction: Politicians are bleeding The State Gambling Addiction. But eventually, land-based casinos proliferated as well. At the moment, 15 states license casinos, the taxes and fees on which bring in about $4.5 billion in annual government revenue, according to the Rockefeller Institute. Twelve states … THE REGIONAL ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF CASINO

Casino gambling has experienced dramatic growth in the USA during the past seven years. Because this growth has occurred recently, there have been few systematic studies of its effects. This paper uses quasi-experimental control group methods to study 68 counties where casinos were opened during the period 1989–93 and three multicasino counties.

Casinos Create Urban Jobs, But at a Price - CityLab